Ralf Heidenreich a écrit :
> Hello,
> i have a problem. I have a mailserver (postfix), and amavis is working.
> I am receiving mail for several domains. Some customers want the spam 
> delivering mode "taganddeliver" or reject. I have this realized with 
> policy banks. Amavis in post-queue mode works fine.
> Due to a law, I must use amavis in pre-queue mode.
> Thats the problem.
> In the past it was the following:
> Postfix receives the mail, and depend on a lookup table, the mail is 
> given to amavis on several ports. One port is for taganddeliver, an one 
> port is for reject. If a mail comes to amavis throug the defined port, 
> amavis loads the policy.
> Will I use amavis in pre-queue mode, all mails must going to amavis.
> Amavis must load the right policy for taganddeliver or reject.
> My current config is
> @local_domains_maps = ( [".$mydomain","localhost"], 
> read_hash("/etc/postfix/virtual_domains") );
> I need 3 hashes.
> One for the domains there is reject used
> One for the domains there is taganddeliver used
> One for the domains there is nofilter used.
> Howe can I realize that?

If you have multiple IPs, the simplest solution would be to use
different MXes. Otherwise, one problem is what to do if a single mail is
destined to multiple recipients with different actions: you can't reject
and deliver at the same time!

A somewhat related discussion:

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