On Feb 6, 2009, at 7:11 AM, Mark Martinec wrote:
>> Is there a way to set a policy bank based on the remote IP address?
>> I'd like to set a policy bank that includes just localhost, and
>> another that includes two remote machines.   @mynetworks includes
>> localhost but other machines I don't want it to include...
> Currently the @mynetworks entries can only produce a boolean result,
> not something which could be used to select a policy bank. This is
> something on my to-do list, but for now you will have to bring
> Postfix to the aid, choosing one of amavisd TCP ports based on

We're using Sendmail.    And OMG what a hack that Postfix thing is  

The documentation FYI is still entirely postfix-driven.

And for clarity, I'm not asking about using part of mynetworks.   I'm  
asking about setting a policy based on the remote IP address *other*  
than what's in mynetworks.  Just like you can set policy based on the  
TCP port used, why not different remote IP ranges?

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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