
> We are experiencing the issue that when users have
> amavisBypassVirusCheck set to TRUE, mails containing password-protected
> zips, or zips that trigger the expantionQuota, will modify the Subject
> to "***UNCHECKED***".
> Since the user has asked for no virus checking, it should not modify the
> Subject.
> However, if users HAVE asked for Virus checking, and Amavisd is unable
> to check the attachment, then it SHOULD modify the Subject to UNCHECKED.

Your suggestion makes sense, I'll make the change with 2.6.3, thanks!

> Is there a fix for this problem? Looking at the sources, it appears to
> change the Subject much too early, separate from the body and header
> modifications.

> Don't know if it is correct, but I stuck this code in +8815:
>        if ($hold ne '' || $any_undecipherable) {
>        # Before Amavis would change the Subject for everyone
>        # but we added code to check LDAP for each recip, and only change
>        # Subject: if VIRUS scanning is wanted.
>        my($bpvcm) = ca('bypass_virus_checks_maps');
>        for my $r (@{$msginfo->per_recip_data}) {
>          my $bypassed;
>          $bypassed = lookup(0,$r->recip_addr,@$bpvcm);
>          $r->add_contents_category(CC_UNCHECKED,0) if (!$bypassed);
>        }
>        # Mark the source message as per before
>        $msginfo->add_contents_category(CC_UNCHECKED,0);
>        # This code is now dealt with a few lines up.
>        # $_->add_contents_category(CC_UNCHECKED,0)
>        #   for @{$msginfo->per_recip_data};
>        }
>        $elapsed{'TimeElapsedDecoding'} = Time::HiRes::time - $t0_sect;

Yes, that's about right. The 2.6.2 has a $r->bypass_virus_checks,
so there is no longer a need for another lookup.


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