
> works fine here with SA + Dspam and CRM114 as SA plugin .

Thanks for trying it out.

> 2 questions regarding Dspam integration:
> - how to change dspam score without editing amavisd directly ?

Currently hard-wired, changeable only by editing the ExtProg module.

This needs to be improved. A suggestion would be welcome
on how to produce a spam score (SA semantics) based on
any X-DSPAM-* header fields. A fomula or an algorithm.

> - any way to re introduce dspam learning with the new
> Amavis::SpamControl::ExtProg ?

The method used in 2.6.2 implementation is not usable, as it
relied on a mail message as given to DSPAM to be present on a file.
The current implementation feeds the spawned process directly
while simultaneously collecting the result, and avoids storing it to a file.

As auto-learning only makes sense when combined with some other
spam scanner such as SpamAssassin, I'd say the cleanest solution
would be to create a DSPAM plugin for SpamAssassin. Since DSPAM
invocation is similar to CRM114, I think the easiest would be to take
a CRM114 plugin for a SpamAssassin (preferably my modification of it,
which I sent to its author, and can make it available on request), and
modify it for DSPAM. This way auto-learning would use existing and
established SpamAssassin approach to autolearning.


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