
> I'm using a mail solution based on exim v4 and amavis-new, all working
> perfect using a tcp/ip mode to exchange mail between exim and
> amavis-new.
> I would to change the tcp/ip mode to a pipe or unix socket, so, i don't
> find any documentation/howto about that, does amavis-new support this
> kind of transport?

Amavisd can receive and/or send mail over inet or over a unix socket,
using a SMTP protocol. The default protocol on input from a socket
is 'AM.PDP', so this must be overridden by a policy bank, e.g.:

server side:
  $unix_socketname = "/var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-in.sock";
  $interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'FORCE-SMTP';
  $policy_bank{'FORCE-SMTP'} = { protocol => 'SMTP' };

client side:
  $forward_method = 'smtp:/var/amavis/yourmailer-smtp-out.sock';
  $notify_method = $forward_method;

I only tested it with 'socat', never tried it with a real MTA.
Note that CRLF line endings on a SMTP protocol are enforced,
so LF won't do.

Testing - client:
$ socat -v stdin unix-connect:/var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-in.sock,crnl

Testing - listener:
$ socat -v unix-listen:/var/amavis/amavisd-smtp-out.sock,crnl stdout


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