On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 01:16:44AM +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Henrik,
> > > > > Perhaps a good compromise is to only do MIME decoding but no other
> > > > > archives decoding, and let a virus scanner also see the complete
> > > > > message:
> > > > > @decoders = ();
> > > > > @keep_decoded_original_maps = (new_RE( qr'^MAIL$' ));
> > It does not work optimally. Even with @decoders empty (no do_mime_decode),
> > it still writes all the parts to disk. There is no need to waste resources
> > on scanning all parts, modern scanners are happy with only the whole mail.
> So give them only a file email.txt to scan, instead of the
> complete ./parts/ subdirectory. For example with clamd, replace
>   "CONTSCAN {}\n"
> with:
>   "CONTSCAN {}/../email.txt\n"
> remembering that {} is expanded to a tempdir/parts/ path.

Ok didn't think of that, no patching needed then. I'll forget that the parts
are written out, they are on ramdisk anyway.

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