Hi Folks,

Sorry for the cross-postings, but I wanted to try an reach as many
people that uses the "unofficial-clamav-sigs" script as possible.

I have been asked by some package and port maintainers to rename the
script and tarball to better support their efforts to package the script
for redistribution.  The name change will facilitate finding the script
when using package managers like yum, apt, pkg, etc., to install ClamAV
and its supporting and complementary packages.

Please be aware that if you decide to use this or any future script
update, you will need to update your cron jobs to reference the new
script and config file names.

With that said, here's what has changed with this update (from the

Version 2.7.2 (update 2009-04-23)
   - ***** ALERT - ALERT - ALERT - ALERT - ALERT - ALERT - ALERT *****
     The script name has been changed.  This has been done to facilitate
     packaging and redistribution of the scripts by various OS package
     and port maintainers.  By renaming the script and tarball from
     "unofficial-clamav-sigs" to "clamav-unofficial-sigs", the package
     will show up when using package managers like yum, apt, pkg, etc.,
     to install ClamAV and its supporting and complementary packages.
     Please be sure to make the necessary changes to your cron jobs to
     support the new script and config file names.
   - Added the new Winnow (winnow_spam_complete.ndb) and SaneSecruity
     (jurlbl.ndb) database files.
   - Added a safety net to all "rm" commands in the script in order to
     prevent script config file editing errors that could potentially
     cause deletion of unintended files and/or directories.  Thanks to
     Mike Cappella for suggesting this.
   - Modified the script's "getopts" section logic to make it more
     efficient and easier to understand.  Thanks to Mike Cappella for
     his comments and suggestions in this area.

And forgot to include this with the last script update announcement:
   - Added missing 'curl_proxy' variable to the SaneSecurity GPG Key
     download section.

Steve Basford, can you update the link on your "Usage" page.

The updated tarball can be downloaded from:


As usual, let me know if there are any issues, suggestions, or feature


PS, Bcc to various package/port maintainers.

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