
> the ReleaseNotes state that backward compatibility with mynetwork_maps
> is retained. for me it only works if I place
>   @client_ipaddr_policy = map { $_ => 'MYNETS' } @mynetworks_maps;
> after setting @mynetworks_maps in amavisd.conf. Else only RFC1918
> addresses are considered as MYNETS.

Well, yes. The startup initialization does the:

  @mynetworks_maps = (\...@mynetworks);
  @client_ipaddr_policy = map { $_ => 'MYNETS' } @mynetworks_maps;

next comes the amavisd.conf evaluation. If @mynetworks_maps value
is replaced there with another list, then the @client_ipaddr_policy
would also need to receive a new assignment, as it is still referring
to the old (\...@mynetworks => 'MYNETS').

So yes, if you change @mynetworks_maps in amavisd.conf, you also
need to re-evaluate the
  @client_ipaddr_policy = map { $_ => 'MYNETS' } @mynetworks_maps;

But, if you only change a value of @mynetworks without changing
the @mynetworks_maps, then the @client_ipaddr_policy is still valid.


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