> i have amavisd 2.6 running fine and blocking some file
> extensions/type, using banned_filename_re.
> so far, so good. It's working fine.
> what i was needing now is to exclude some senders/recipients from
> the exclude list. For example, mails coming from @something.com wouldnt
> be subjected to banned_filename_re rule, as well as some messages 'to'
> @otherthing.com wouldnt be subjected to the rules neither.
> is that possible to be done ?

To completely turn off banning rules for certain recipients,
use @bypass_banned_checks_maps and/or @banned_files_lovers_maps.

To apply per-recipient banning rules, use @banned_filename_maps
along with %banned_rules (see RELEASE_NOTES for usage).

To apply banning rules based on some other criteria, you
need to use policy banks. A policy bank can load a different
set of banning rules, which then applies to a message as a whole.
Loading of a policy bank can be based on a port number (leaving
the decision to MTA), or based on client's IP address, or based
on a valid DKIM signature from a specified author (From) using
the @author_to_policy_bank_maps.


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