MrC wrote:
> What is the value of your AMAVISD_DB_HOME environment variable?
>    # echo AMAVISD_DB_HOME

Perhaps you mean 'echo $AMAVISD_DB_HOME', right? It's empty.

Mark Martinec wrote:
> Perhaps you changed the line 60:
>   my($db_home) =  # DB databases directory
> and left the expression in the continuation line 61 dangling
> without an assignment.

not changed.

# grep -i 'db_home' /etc/amavisd.conf
$db_home   = "$MYHOME/db";      # dir for bdb nanny/cache/snmp databases, -D

# grep -i 'db_home' /usr/sbin/amavisd-nanny
my($db_home) = "/var/amavis/db";
    @dbstat = stat("$db_home/$dbfile");
    $errn==0 || $errn==ENOENT  or die "stat $db_home/$dbfile: $!";
      printf STDERR ("Reopening nanny database %s/%s\n", $db_home,$dbfile);
        -Home => $db_home, -Flags => DB_INIT_CDB | DB_INIT_MPOOL,

My amavisd-new is 2.6.2.

Thanks for your replies. :)

Best regards.

Zhang Huangbin

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