Mark Martinec wrote:
> Giuseppe,
>>> Amavis::DB::init(0, 15+1+32);  # MD5   (128 bits)
>> Ok, thanks. BTW does the init(1, ...) works also if the DB is not yet
>> created, i.e. at first run, or it requires an existing DB?
> The 0 as a first argument just prevents deleting an existing database
> on startup. Should work with or without an old database.
> Btw, reusing an old database was used in old versions of amavisd.
> I changed it to always re-create a database because with some
> version of libdb, probably coupled with unclean terminations,
> a database could end up in a permanently locked state,
> preventing amavisd to start.
>   Mark

Ah, Ok. I was wondering how to match both safety and statistic data 
preserving. Safety is important because if the system to which amavis is 
attached is having a power failure and you haven't an UPS for doing a 
clean shutdown, then when power returns you might have that amavis won't 
start (as you said could be locked) and your system won't receive any 
mail anymore. Is the locked "state" detectable in some way? Because if 
so, maybe there could be some special thing in the "init" script: it 
will start amavis in a way to preserve or create the DB 
(Amavis::DB::init(1)), and if after a certain timeout amavis is not yet 
started or would result locked, then it will try to start amavisd again 
with passing some command line option to tell to discard the DB as 
currently done (Amavis::DB::init(0)). WDYT? Is that feasible?


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