> Matthias,
>> Am/On Fri, 22 May 2009 19:16:37 +0200 schrieb/wrote Mark Martinec:
>>> Thanks! It turns out there is a runaway regexp in Mail::DKIM
>>> (in several of the more recent version), which your message manages
>>> to trigger. When perl runs out of memory the process crashes.
>>> I'll notify the author of the module.
>>> Here is a patch to Mail::DKIM 0.33,
And for the anxious freebsd users out there, the patches for ports have been

0.35 will be a required minimum dependency for p5-Mail-SpamAssassin.

Patch for amavisd-new (@bypass_spam_checks_maps = (1);) will be submitted as
well as 0.35 listed as a dependency

(Mark: any critical, or other patches to 2.6.3 I should submit along with
the above two to amavisd-new ports maintainer?)

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>|SECNAP Network Security
Finalist 2009 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBSD SpamAssassin Ports maintainer

This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(r). 
For Information please see http://www.secnap.com/products/spammertrap/

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