> I am experiencing problems with some spam-mail that causes amavisd to
> hang forever. Maybe it has some problems when running spamassassin, at
> least in many cases the last debug-output is from spamassassin. However,
> when manually feeding the mail to spamassassin, everything works fine.
> Additionally, the following error is output:
> *** glibc detected *** amavisd (ch1-30412-01): free(): invalid next size
> (normal): 0x0def2e28 ***
> The corresponding process never recovers and has to be killed with -9.
> The emails that cause the trouble contain a zip file as attachment.
> I have saved one of those mails, together with the debug-output of
> amavis at the following address:
>   http://leo.kloburg.at/tmp/amavis-hang/
> Since mail delivery stops once all configured amavisd children are in
> such a hanging state, I am desperately looking for an advice how to
> further track down the bug.
> Additionally I'd appreciate any hints on how to reject those mails in an
> early state, so that amavisd won't crash. (Maybe based on the
> attachment-name?)

Until someone comes up with a solution, you can ban ZIPs by un-commenting the
following line in amavisd.conf and restarting amavis.

# qr'^\.zip$',                            # block zip type


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