
> Hi list, I am a little confused, I am trying to implement dkim
> together with amavisd-new, but not you which it is the correct form of
> adding the key to my dns
> amavisd-new it shows me the key, but when I add it to my dns,
> amavisd-new been not worth it

See what really comes out of your DNS, using 'dig' or 'host' or 'nslookup':

$ host -t txt myselector._domainkey.domain.org.ni

> amavisd showkeys
> ; key#1, domain domain.org.ni, /var/db/dkim/domain.org.ni.key.pem
> myselector._domainkey.domain.org.ni.   3600 TXT (
>   "v=DKIM1; p="
>   "aA79gWcaw++HlJmViQxBYXX9yygec8sEfQMdtJOyioDBGGKoB+j4zcTrEKYkDWs7"
>   "vdExz9JD4i8kN/8YL3Ox7g31lI4MEyTcS93ItG1NHfFjF26hYBWQhonf8JSM8Q/C"
>   "CO6HD6jHnYkXUWt7cwIDAQAB")
> that exactly I will paste in my dns? :( , I have looked for
> information, but not exact

Yes, *exactly* that, with all the line wraps and double quotes.
This applies at least to a Bind domain name server (named).

Other servers might use a different syntax for a zone file. What matters
is that the TXT RR contains one or more (5 in the case above) strings
(<character-string> in RFC 1035 parlance, each up to 255 octets),
which are then concatenated by a DKIM verifier.

Zhang Huangbin wrote:

> Paste the output without quote, and don't break the line:
> v=DKIM1;
> vdExz9JD4i8kN/8YL3Ox7g31lI4MEyTcS93ItG1NHfFjF26hYBWQhonf8JSM8Q/CCO6HD6jHnYk

This is not a good advice, at least not for the standard zone file.
See RFC 1035 Page 34, "<character-string> is expressed in one or two ways..."


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