Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> I finally caved and decided to install the SaneSecurity signatures for 
> ClamAV on my incoming mail host. However, I can't get the second 
> signature test[1] to pass. I was hoping somebody here could point me in 
> the right direction.
> I have already installed the SaneSecurity signatures. Mail comes in 
> through Postfix, and is filtered through amavisd-new (v2.6.3), which 
> then feeds the message through ClamAV (v0.95.1). It appears as if the 
> signatures are installed correctly, because Test #3 on [1] passes. 
> Everything else works as expected.
> According to the SaneSecurity docs, Amavis needs to pass the entire 
> message body, unmodified, to ClamAV. This is accomplished via
>    $bypass_decode_parts = 1;
> which is set, and not re-defined further down in amavisd.conf. It 
> appears to work:
>    [amavis] (17916-02) presenting full original message to scanners as
>    /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090624T145243-17916/parts/p001
> However, ClamAV doesn't catch the subject header, which contains the 
> string from Test #2:
>    [amavis] (17916-02) ClamAV-clamd: Sending CONTSCAN
>    /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090624T145243-17916/parts\n to UNIX socket
>    /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
>    [amavis] (17916-02) ask_av (ClamAV-clamd) result:
>    /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20090624T145243-17916/parts: OK\n
> Now, at this point, I figured the message must have been mangled, or 
> that I was pasting the signature incorrectly. But, since I receive the 
> test message in my inbox, I was able to copy both the source and the 
> final messages to the mail host in question. Running clamdscan directly 
> *does* find the signature:
>    # clamdscan test.msg
>    /test.msg: Sanesecurity.TestSig_Type4_Hdr.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
>    ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
>    Infected files: 1
>    Time: 0.013 sec (0 m 0 s)
> So, my conclusion is that.. something is wonky, but I'm not sure where. 
> Anyone have an idea?

Try copying the sanesecurity.ftm to your clamav database 
directory.  Your update script might have settings to do this 
for you.

   -- Noel Jones

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