Benedict White schrieb:
>> On Fri, July 3, 2009 12:06 pm, Benedict White wrote:
>>> Is there some more ducumentation on the SQL look ups side of things?
>>> In particular it would be nice to see a diagram making the
>>> relationship between tables clear.
>>> Also, when an email is quaranteened in sql, are the "to" addresses
>>> stored in a way that can be easily look up?
>> .
>> I assume you know the mail_id:
>> db2 "select email from maddr
>>           join msgrcpt on
>>           join quarantine on msgrcpt.mail_id = quarantine.mail_id
>>   where quarantine.mail_id='q6T3XSeFPJTz'"
>> I'am running amavisd-new on a IBM DB2 backend, so it's DB2 syntax.
>> HTH,
>>   Uwe
> It does, and yes I could pick through all the code looking for the sql, I was 
> just wondering
> if there was an entity relationship diagram or similar.
> I am looking to hack together a front end for the mysql bit.

I did a hack of Maia Mailguard ( Originaliy it is 
for MySQL - with my hack it did with DB2. Unfortunately, the hack was 
buggy and not production ready.


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