Michael Scheidell wrote:
> I guess you don't need the 'bigint(20) on id if the id is unique only on 
> each partition, and you need to add partition_tag to primary key (since 
> a list partition has to use primary keys)

Yes and no: primary key is defined as PRIMARY KEY (id, partition_tag),
however it is still AUTO_INCREMENTal - so there is no ID twice. BIGINT
would of course also be fine - for my needs plain old INT suffices, as
I DROP tables after four weeks - and I do not (yet) have 2^32 (or more)
messages a month ;-)

> and you can't do the 'hey, lets just partition based on date and let 
> mysql do it' since maddr doesn't have a date field
> (and we have to match maddr.id,tag with quarantine.id.tag, etc)

My setup is from the very early days of partitioning support in Amavis
with MySQL pre-5.1. I invested a lot of time to estimate whether the one
or the other option would be better - and I settled with the current
solution, partitioning by list with no functions used in partition keys.

I'm still quite happy with this setup - even if there is for sure lot
of space for improvements.


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