* Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.org> wrote:
> On Mon, July 27, 2009 18:53, Benny Pedersen wrote:
>> signing based on From: not envelope_sender seems to be my problem,
>> tryed to test 2.6.4 witch also does this :(
> it signs with correct domain if from: is not a dkim signed domain
> from my testing, is it my amavisd.conf error or is it supposed to be
> so ?

I guess that's working as intended. A more specific match (here: the
value of a mail's "From:" header) leading to a first-party signature
takes precedence over a more general match (here: the rfc2822 message
sender), which would result in a third party signature.

Stefan Förster     http://www.incertum.net/     Public Key: 0xBBE2A9E9
FdI #95: PGP-Keysigning-Party - Kultiges Zusammensitzen und gemeinsames
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