
> Basically I have 2 problems. The first problem is that I am trying to get
> amavis-new to pass messages with bad headers. I have $warnbadhsender = undef
> in the amavisd.conf. As I understand things, this is the default and this
> should allow these messages to just pass through.

$warnbadhsender controls if the sender of an email should be notified
when the header contains invalid characters and the mail is passed to the

If you would like to pass messages (spam,virus,bad header) to
recipients you should use $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS (for bad
header) or @bad_header_lovers_maps.

With $final_bad_header_destiny you can define if amavisd should reject
the message, let the message pass through or else.

> The second problem is that the messages with bad headers are getting the
> To address rewritten to This part is what I expect
> since I have plus addressing turned on. What I do not understand is, with
> softbounce turned on in postfix, I am getting messages stuck in the mailq
> that say
> Aug  5 15:33:55 vfoggy postfix/pipe[12086]: 7EEBAF0807:
> to=<>, relay=dovecot, delay=94946,
> delays=94946/0.48/0/0.02, dsn=4.1.1, status=SOFTBOUNCE (user unknown)

> I have an alias that says to deliver mail for tdiehl+badh to my mailbox, so
> I do not understand why it says "user unknown".

It seems that this is dovecot related because the lda couldn't find
the user (relay=dovecot). Have you modified local_transport or
virtual_transport in Maybe the lda looks in the wrong alias

> If I look at the header of one of the messages stuck in the queue I see the
> following: 
> X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER SECTION, Duplicate header field: "MIME-Version"

> The system is running postfix 2.3.3, dovecot 1.2.2 using the dovecot lda,
> amavisd-new 2.6.2 and the latest svn version of postfix admin. Quarantine
> is in mysql and the users are stored in mysql and managed by postfixadmin.

> Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong or how to troubleshoot this
> problem?

You could try to disable this check with

   $allowed_header_tests{'multiple'} = 0;

At the moment I've no idea where this duplicate entry come from...
This happens only when when the mail gets bounced (status=SOFTBOUNCE)?


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