>> I am moving from 2.5 to 2.6.   I know there are schema changes, and
>> maybe other requirements needed before I can start running 2.6.
>> someone suggest a process, or document, I can follow?
>> I want to get it right one the first try!

>See: http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/release-notes.txt

I read the release notes, in addition to README.sql and
README.sql-mysql.  None of them explicitly document the schema changed
between versions.

Under the release notes for 2.4, this is documented:
  "The following clause must be executed for upgrading pre-2.4.0
  amavisd-new SQL schema to the 2.4.0 schema:"

I see under the 2.6.0 section this is mentioned:
- SQL logging and quarantining tables have a new field 'partition_tag';

I see it's also referenced in the schema in README.sql-mysql.  

This seems to be only one field. Has there only been one schema change
since 2.5.x?

My other option is to compare my schema to this schema and look for
differences.  That doesn't sound like a fun day.

Is there a documented process to bring the schema up to date?

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