
> What directory does amavis actually store the messages in for processing?
> I'm wondering if a ramdisk would increase throughput, so if you've tried
> this and had issues, please let me know.
> Thanks.

amavisd uses the directory which is defined with "$TEMPBASE = " in
amavisd.conf. Default is


amavisd uses this directory to unpack files,store messages temporarily

amavisd cleans up the directory automatically if new messages are
processed or if you restart amavisd. You should reserve at least 128
MB for the ramdisk - better a bit more.

Example for a possible /etc/fstab entry:

none /var/lib/amavis/tmp tmpfs 
defaults,size=128m,mode=750,uid=101,gid=0,noatime 0 0

The size of the ramdisk depends on the number and size of the in-
and/or outgoing emails.Some people who are using a smaller Vserver
have sometimes problems with amavisd if the "physical" ramdisk size is
too small. Same problem should happen if the the ramdisk is too small
so I think 150-180 MB should be sufficient.

If the ramdisk is "full" and amavisd can not process the email then
the mail should be rejected with an error "4xx".


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