Hi everyone,

I am trying to see if it's possible when hosting mail for multiple domains if 
it's possible to get the actual domain to which the message belongs in all the 
email headers instead of always having it fall back to the "main" 

I think the following header is written out by amavisd-new (please correct me 
if I'm wrong):

Received: from mail.example.com ([])
        by localhost (diamond.example.com []) (amavisd-new, port 10024)
        with ESMTP id 26IWMZMJeY2B for <u...@somewhere.com>;
        Tue, 13 Oct 2009 17:11:50 -0400 (EDT)

In my case, the local machine hostname is "diamond.example.com" and it is also 
my mail server, "mail.example.com".  But in this case, the message is being 
sent by a user in a domain called, say, "other.com".  I have a Postfix 
configuration where its headers are added using "other.com", but this header is 
the problem.

It seems that "diamond.example.com" in this header is just caused by amavis 
grabbing the local machine hostname (problem #1 - is this possible to change?).

But as for how amavis got "mail.example.com", I am not entirely sure, since the 
handoff came from a Postfix instance where its mydomain is "other.com" and its 
myhostname is "mail.other.com" (problem #2 - where does this come from and can 
I change it?).

Problem #3 is in regard to the handoff back to Postfix.  Is is possible to 
determine the mydomain from what Postfix is using and then change the 
$notify_method and $forward_method according to that domain?

I really appreciate any tips.


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