On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Andreas Ziegler <andreas-zieg...@arcor.de>
> Hi there,
> for hours now i'm trying to get DKIM verfying and signing to work, but
> amavis seems to not verify/sign mails that are sent from one local
> domain to another.
> i want amavis to also sign and authenticate the dkim keys if sender
> domain is also local, so there's no difference between foreign or local
> senders for the receiver
> i'm using postfix as MTA and my amavis settings for DKIM so far are:
>> $enable_dkim_verification = 1;
>> $enable_dkim_signing = 1;
>> dkim_key( 'example.com', 'default', '/var/lib/dkim/example.com_key.pem'
> regards,
> Andreas

I've posted some time ago about the same problem. See Mark Martinec's
suggestion for a solution:

- on originating mail (submitted from inside) which is to be signed
by amavisd, the invoked SpamAssassin does not yet see the coming
signature, so it would see a message as unsigned. A way around this
is to add a rule to test for locally submitted mail, and exclude
such from your meta rule:

header __L_MYNETS X-Amavis-PolicyBank =~ m{(\A|/)(MYNETS|ORIGINATING)(/|$)}m

Alrik Bronsema
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