On Wed, March 17, 2010 11:00 am, Mark Martinec wrote:

>> so, dumb question:
> These are two mostly independent features: verification and signing.
> The message [1] only says that verification is disabled. Turning on
> DKIM verification does not require any keys or certificates on your side,
> these are only required on the sender's side. DKIM verification does not
> cost much, so my position is to just enable it
> ($enable_dkim_verification=1).
> If for nothing else, it will insert an Authentication-Results header field
>  to a received signed messages, and provide additional information in the
>  log - both of which can serve as a gentle getting-used-to / introduction
>  to the new concept.

thanks for the info, you've explained exactly what I was wondering.

gentle introduction enabled:
Mar 17 11:56:01 amavis[27435]: Module Mail::DKIM::Signer  0.37
Mar 17 11:56:01 amavis[27435]: Module Mail::DKIM::Verifier 0.37
Mar 17 11:56:01 amavis[27435]: DKIM code            loaded

> If using amavisd 2.6.4 with SpamAssaswsin 3.3.0 or later, letting amavisd
>  do the DKIM verification has another benefit: the verification results

yes, amavisd-new-2.6.4 (20090625)

> Now, the DKIM signing is another matter, mostly independent from
> verification. To produce a valid DKIM signature, you need to generate one
> or more signing keys (amavisd can do it for you: '$ amavisd genrsa
> <filename>'), then you
> need to add the generated public key as a TXT record to a DNS zone of your
>  domain, and make the private key counterpart available on a file to
> amavisd, and letting it be aware of it by a dkim_key() in amavisd.conf.
> This is pretty
> much all there is to. For a simple setup this is quite straightforward,
> just follow the:
> http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html#dkim-impatient

so, for signing, I can just follow 'dkim-impatient', and, is that
independent from Postfix itself, do I need to do anything on Postfix ?

thanks again


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