
> > There is also a more recent presentation:
> >
> Very cool. How about in plain-paper PDF or white background so we can
> print it? If it doesn't exist, then don't spend the time.

Sorry, no white bg around right now, but this is slightly better:

> When was this introduced? I don't see references to it in my version
> (don't ask how old :( )

It is ancient.

amavisd-new-2.1.0 (amavisd-new-20040815) release notes:

- incompatible change since 2.0: the use of BerkeleyDB is now off by default;

  The use of BerkeleyDB and libdb is made optional, controlled by
  variables $enable_db and $enable_global_cache, both false by default.

    enables the use of BerkeleyDB/libdb
    (for SNMP counters database and nanny, and optionally for cache);

    enables the use of libdb-based cache when $enable_db is also true;

    If either the $enable_global_cache or $enable_db are false,
    cache of mail body MD5 digests is kept in child-local memory
    as in pre-2.0 versions, and is therefore local and short-lived,
    with lower expected cache hit rate;

> Are there interim performance improvements I can make, such as tune2fs
> changes, or disabling file access times, or kernel buffer changes that
> would be more global?

Most of the time is probably spent in SpamAssassin, unless you have
a slow virus scanner.

Newer virus scanners are often able to decode mail parts recursively
on their own, so you may save a little time by disabling decoding
in amavisd:

  $bypass_decode_parts = 1;

Note that this also hides a mail structure from banning rules,
so disabling decoding may not be desired.

> How about putting the bdb on a noatime device? (Or just changing the
> file indivdidually?)

bdb files in amavisd are opened rarely, so noatime may not gain anything
there. It may be worth setting noatime on a temporary work area ($TEMPBASE).
Some folks use ramdisk for temporary work area, although in my opinion
is not worth it.

But don't use bdb files for SpamAssassin, SQL performs better.

Probably the single simple speedup trick for SA is to
sa-compile rules. Note that this needs to be re-done whenever
rules are updated/changed.

> > Yes, starting with amavisd-new-2.6.4 there is a true SNMP agent
> > in the amavisd package - see release notes. Also mentioned in
> > amavis-berlin-20090703.pdf, page 85, with some sample screenshots.
> Do people typically use it in conjunction with cacti and other
> wrappers to make management easier, or does it really already include
> everything needed (in terms of management, not graphing, necessarily)?

It is only a SNMP agent. For monitoring use whatever tools you are
comfortable with or are already in use. We use Cacti at our site.

> Can you recommend a guide to do the migration from bdb to mysql and
> associated programs (innodb?), and be able to keep the system running
> at the same time? (or somehow test a remote system and make a switch
> with the ethernet cables?)

There is a sa-learn dump and restore functionality, but I wouldn't
bother with data migration, just start from scratch, but maybe
lower the BAYES_xx scores for the first day. You'll get the
initial 200 ham and spam samples autolearned in no time on a
production mailer.

For a transition just change the bayes_store_module in

bayes_store_module           Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::MySQL
bayes_sql_dsn                DBI:mysql:sa:
bayes_sql_username           vscan
bayes_sql_password           xxxxx
bayes_sql_override_username  vscan

learn one or two messages with 'sa-learn' to see that it works,
test it with a command-line spamassasin, and restart amavisd
if all is well.

Fiddling with while amavisd is running has no effect on
amavisd and its SA copy - until you restart it.


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