--On Sunday, April 25, 2010 12:58 PM +0200 Mark Martinec 
<mark.martinec+ama...@ijs.si> wrote:

> Quanah,
>> > One noteworthy missing feature is the DKIM signing service, which is
>> > a separate daemon process which is intended to provide the only access
>> > to DKIM signing keys, avoiding the need to have these files readable
>> > to UID under which amavisd is running.
>> Does this include the ability to have amavis query DKIM signing keys
>> out of LDAP to provide a scalable solution?
> Yes, the main purpose of having a separate signing service is to
> decouple LDAP access to private keys from the main amavisd daemon.
> I'd hate to see these keys accessible to a process running under
> UID of amavis or having a LDAP password/credentials in an
> amavisd config file. Making this possible involved cooperation
> from Jason Long, the author or Mail::DKIM module, for which I'm
> grateful.
> The client side code in amavisd is ready and is in -pre4, the
> signing service is in the works and is not included with -pre4.


Great news!  I look forward to testing with the release that includes it 
all. :)



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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