Le jeudi 29 avril 2010 08:45, Lampa a écrit :
> Hello,
> is there some way how to setup forwarding mails marked as SPAM for
> some domains to one user (spam for domains @example.com,
> @example2.com, @example3.com, ... forward to s...@example.com) ?
> Thank you for advices and help.
[r...@******** ~]# cat /etc/amavisd-custom-test.conf
package Amavis::Custom;
use strict;

 import Amavis::Conf qw(:platform :confvars c cr ca $myhostname);
 import Amavis::rfc2821_2822_Tools;
 import Amavis::Util qw(do_log untaint);

sub new {
 my($class,$conn,$msginfo) = @_;
 my($self) = bless {}, $class;

sub after_send {
 my($self,$conn,$msginfo) = @_;
 my($spam_level) = $msginfo->spam_level;
 do_log(1,"CUSTOM: entered after_send hook");
 if ($spam_level < 100) {
 my($recip) = 'postmas...@*********';
 do_log(1,"CUSTOM: sending a copy to %s", $recip);
 my($notification) = Amavis::In::Message->new;
 $notification->rx_time($msginfo->rx_time); # copy the reception time
 $notification->log_id($msginfo->log_id); # copy log id
 $notification->originating(0); # disables DKIM signing
 $notification->sender(''); # use null or whatever sender address
 $notification->mail_text($msginfo->mail_text); # use the same contents
 Amavis::mail_dispatch($conn, $notification, 'Quar', 0);
 my($n_smtp_resp, $n_exit_code, $n_dsn_needed) =
 one_response_for_all($notification, 0); # check status
if ($n_smtp_resp =~ /^2/ && !$n_dsn_needed) { # ok
 } elsif ($n_smtp_resp =~ /^4/) {
 die "temporarily unable to alert recipient: $n_smtp_resp";
 } else {
 do_log(-1, "FAILED to send a copy: %s", $n_smtp_resp);

1; # insure a defined return
[r...@******* ~]# 

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