
> I deployed amavisd-new (with Clam-AV and spamassassin) with my postfix
> installation referring this:
> Now because of business requirement changes I need to use Sophos
> instead of Clam-AV with my installed amavisd-new.
> Can anybody reply with a good 'how to' or reference for this.

Since version amavisd-new-2.7.0(-pre*) it is possible to use a
native Sophos protocol SSSP to connect amavisd to their daemon savdid.

Just start it with 'savdid -d' and configure it to listen on
some socket such as /var/run/savdi/sssp.sock, or an an INET socket,
then add the following to the @av_scanners list amavisd.conf
and restart amavisd:

    \&ask_daemon, ["{}", 'sssp:/var/run/savdi/sssp.sock'],
            # or: ["{}", 'sssp:[]:4010'],
    qr/^DONE OK\b/m, qr/^VIRUS\b/m, qr/^VIRUS\s*(\S*)/m ],

With earlier versions of amavisd the only choice to use a daemonized
Sophos scanner is through a Sophie daemon:

    \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", 'sophie:/var/run/sophie'],
    qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,  qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
    qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/m ],

Actually savdid daemon can also emulate a Sophie protocol so it should be
usable with amavisd 2.6.4 and earlier, but I never tried this combination.

Make sure amavisd has r/w access to a savdid socket, and that savdid has
read access to amavisd work area ($TEMPBASE, typically /var/amavis/tmp).
Running both under the same UID makes this easier, but is not a requirement,
the same can be accomplished by adding a sophos UID to amavis group.



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