On 06/29/2010 02:50 AM, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> * Rich Wales<ri...@richw.org>:
>> I'm using Postfix 2.6.5, with AMaViSd-new 2.6.4 as an after-queue
>> content filter.  Messages scoring above 5 are being quarantined for
>> later examination using MailZu.
>> I would like to reconfigure my setup to use AMaViS as a before-queue
>> content filter -- rejecting messages scoring above 25 (or maybe 30),
>> accepting (and quarantining) messages scoring between 5 and 25 (or
>> 30), and delivering mail scoring below 5.
>> How do I do this?
>> I understand the "cons" about increased load on my mail server if I
>> adopt before-queue filter mode, and I'm prepared to deal with this.
> Change $final_spam_destiny in amavisd confguration to:
> $final_spam_destiny       = D_REJECT;

# D_REJECT mail will not be delivered to its recipients, sender should
# preferably get a reject, e.g. SMTP permanent reject response
# (e.g. with milter), or non-delivery notification from MTA
# (e.g. Postfix). If this is not possible (e.g. different recipients
# have different tolerances to bad mail contents and not using LMTP)
# amavisd-new sends a bounce by itself (same as D_BOUNCE).
# Not to be used with Postfix or dual-MTA setups!

Is that last line just outdated, or intended to be frightening to 
potential pre-queuers?

(Fact: spellcheck is fine with "queuers" but not "spellcheck")

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