On 29.10.2010 17:02, Rok Potočnik wrote:
> On 29.10.2010 16:16, Mark Martinec wrote:
>> 100 instances is probably better for such a setup than 50.
>> Did you enable the:
>>     -o smtpd_proxy_options=speed_adjust
>> on the postfix smtpd service on port 25?  (Postfix 2.7.0 or later
>> is required). This is practically a must for a pre-queue setup
>> with any substantial mail traffic.
> Oops... Didn't know about that one... I've just added that to master.cf
> on all the servers and also added it for smtps and submission on smtp
> servers for customers.
>> What does amavisd-nanny show? Are all amavisd processes busy
>> most of the time, or is it common that some processes are idle?
>> If all are busy persistently, that would explain the situation.
>> Is there a way to measure socket backlog queue length on amavisd socket
>> on your system (perhaps with netstat), or is your system using SYN cookies?
>> Netstat may be able to show syncache statistics for the tcp protocol,
>> or socket queue drops - not sure how this works on Linux.
> Nanny shows that the most of the instances are idle and according to
> stats on zabbix it seems that ever since the change in the number of
> instances (50 ->  100) the lowest 'idle instance' value on all the
> servers was 66 on one of the servers, 70 on another one and so on... I
> don't think that's an issue. SYN cookies are enabled on the servers,
> max_syn_backlog is set to 1k, iptables is disabled, selinux is
> permissive for the time being...

Well... that didn't work out as planned... the smtp server keeps 
deferring the email even though the system load is quite low and 
according to zabbix, an average of 99.24 instances of amavis is free in 
the last 12 hours (min is 95 and max is 100), the system load is 0.70...

Transcript of session follows.

  Out: 220 smtp-1.x.net ESMTP
  In:  HELO rob
  Out: 250 smtp-1.t-2.net
  In:  MAIL FROM: <rob...@x.net>
  Out: 250 2.1.0 Ok
  In:  RCPT TO: <x...@xxx.xx>
  Out: 250 2.1.5 Ok
  In:  DATA
  Out: 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
  Out: 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error

Session aborted, reason: lost connection

For other details, see the local mail logfile

I've changed the $log_level to 5 for the time being... Hopefully I'll be 
able to do some debugging today as the server isn't used as much due to 
the holiday...

BR, Rok

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