* Mark Martinec <mark.martinec+ama...@ijs.si>:
> Patrick,
> > I need to log the filename that contains a virus. Playing with $log_templ
> > and $log_recip_templ I found out I can use %F get almost (see: "filename:
> > /.asc,eicar.com/" in example) what I want.
> > 
> > Nov 17 11:25:07 amavisdev amavis[25532]: (25532-01) deflt, Blocked INFECTED
> > (310, Eicar-Test-Signature), filename: /.asc,eicar.com/, LOCAL
> > [] [] <sen...@example.com> ->
> > <recipi...@example.com>, quarantine: eWPPLsh4e-dk, Message-ID:
> > <20101117102506.gl25...@rayamavis>, mail_id: eWPPLsh4e-dk, Hits: -, size:
> > 1166, 283 ms
> > 
> > The %F macro however consists of two informations - MIME type and filename.
> > 
> > It there a way to retrieve the filename only? If not could it be added?


> A name of a file which a virus scanner considered infected may or may not be
> reported by a virus scanner - depends on which one you use, and if several,
> depends on which one reported the infection.
> With virus scanners which take the whole directory name as argument and
> do their own traversal, amavisd is not in position to know which file
> was infected, unless a virus scanner reports this in its output (which
> would need to be parsed to obtain a name, individually for each scanner).

How about scanners that take full paths to files in opposition to a whole
directory as argument? Would amavis (!) be able to report the filename that was
given to the scanner?

The particular scanner I am talking about is AVIRAs SAVAPI. The documentation
indicates the SCAN command "is used to invoke the engine for a specified

Here's a test for a full path to a file:

# telnet localhost 3333
100 SAVAPI:3.0
100 PRODUCT:<id>
SCAN /tmp/letter.zip
310 WORM/Agent ; worm ; Contains detection pattern of the worm WORM/Agent
310 letter.doc                                     .scr <<< WORM/Agent ; worm ; 
Contains detection pattern of the worm WORM/Agent
319 OK

Here's a test for a full path to a file:

# telnet localhost 3333
100 SAVAPI:3.0
100 PRODUCT:10225
319 OK
SCAN /tmp/viren/*
350 file open error
SCAN /tmp/viren/letter.zip
310 WORM/Agent ; worm ; Contains detection pattern of the worm WORM/Agent
310 letter.doc                                     .scr <<< WORM/Agent ; worm ; 
Contains detection pattern of the worm WORM/Agent


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