
I have tried to look a solution for my problem, but apparently I haven't 
found the correct search keywords so I'll post my question here.

Is it possible to use a different banned_filename_re for different 
recipient domains? I would need to implement an email filtering system that
1) allows only specific attachment types for one recipient domain, 
denies all other attachments
2) disallows a list of attachments for other recipient domains, allows 
all other attachments.

If there are several recipients in the same email and they belong to 
both 1) and 2), filtering should either work case by case or use the 
stricter rule for both recipients.

I am using amavisd-new 2.6.4 with postfix 2.3.3-2 on CentOS 5.5. The 
server would work as an relay for incoming mail.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Cristian Seres

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