
I've got a question regarding white/black listing. During my tests, I 
send a spam mail with 2 recipients that are in the same domain.
One of them has whitelisted the sender and the second doesn't have 
whitelist nor blacklist.
For the second, no problem, the spam mail go in his spam directory. For 
the first, it goes in spam directory too instead of being in is mailbox. 
We use maildir and dovecot and delivers are made through LDA. We are 
using sieve filter which look like that:

/if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" {
         # move into SPAMS folder
         fileinto "INBOX.Spams";
         # no more action ...

I understood that my mail, even if it was for 2 recipients, has been 
scanned one time and the same mail with same added header's has been 
sent to dovecot for both users. You can take a look to my headers:

/Return-Path: <>
Received: from localhost ([xxxx])
     by xxx.net (Dovecot) with LMTP id VzvXDCgdE033CAAAMVm7SQ
     ; Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:00:28 +0100
X-Envelope-From: <t...@tata.net>
X-Envelope-To: <us...@toto.net>, <us...@toto.net>,
X-Envelope-To-Blocked: <us...@toto.net>
X-Quarantine-ID: <wRDoUElR7H9p>
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Score: 0
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=10.91 tag=-9999 tag2=9.9 kill=9.9 WHITELISTED
     tests=[BAYES_60=1.5, FSL_HELO_NON_FQDN_1=0.001, HELO_NO_DOMAIN=0.001,
     RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100=0.5, RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100=1.886,
     T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD=-0.01] autolearn=no/

Is there a way with white/black list for multiple recipients to not have 
/X-Spam-Flag: YES /for both recipients (one got whitelist and the other 
got nothing so mail is scanned as spam with rewritring same headers for 
both recipients ).

Thanks you by advance, best regards

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