> I need to add an undecipherable_subject_tag to non-local recipients.
> RELEASE_NOTES tell me $undecipherable_subject_tag is only available to
> local recipients:
>   * a string can be prepended to Subject (for local recipients only)
>     if mail could not be decoded or checked entirely, e.g. due to
>     password-protected archives or non-decodable mail bombs:
>     $undecipherable_subject_tag = '***UNCHECKED*** ';  # undef disables it
> Any way to get what I need without hacking the sources. Could the
> functionality be added and e.g. depend on $warn_offsite?

--- amavisd~    2010-12-24 16:21:41.000000000 +0100
+++ amavisd     2011-01-12 19:59:42.193713089 +0100
@@ -13426,5 +13426,5 @@
       $tag2_level = lookup2(0,$recip, ca('spam_tag2_level_maps'));
-    if ($is_local) {
+    if ($is_local || c('warn_offsite')) {
       my(@subj_maps_pairs) = $r->setting_by_main_contents_category_all(

I don't find this particularly useful or desirable.

It makes no sense at the recipient's side to blindly believe
a received mail message is clean without checking. In this view,
a claim in a message that 'it is virus-free' or similar, must not
be believed and means nothing. In the same vein, a message
claiming (e.g. in subject) that it may not be safe, neither relieves
nor prompts a recipient to be more or less careful with the message.
It's just undesired clutter, possibly breaking signatures.

Also, adding tags like *UNCHECKED* or *LIKELY SPAM* or some such
on outgoing mail gives a recipient a bad taste of general mistrust
in the quality of a sender's mail system.  "Either give me clean mail
or don't send it at all" I would say.

But I guess the above change won't hurt anybody, as the
$warn_offsite is always off in practice (it is a relict from times
of amavis-perl and thereabout).


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