* Mark Martinec <mark.martinec+ama...@ijs.si>:
> Patrick,
> > > I need to split rejected messages by destination, but I don't know how.
> > > What I see is origins and destinations:
> > > 
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsInbound.0 = Counter32: 1
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsOutbound.0 = Counter32: 10
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsInternal.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsOriginating.0 = Counter32: 10
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsOpenRelay.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > 
> > > And I see all kinds of message status:
> > > 
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusAccepted.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusRelayed.0 = Counter32: 1
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusDiscarded.0 = Counter32: 10
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusNoBounce.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusBounced.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusRejected.0 = Counter32: 0
> > > AMAVIS-MIB::inMsgsStatusTempFailed.0 = Counter32: 0
> > Excuse me for being not precise. A table structure to list all content
> > categories per every destination would be nice, but definitely far beyond
> > what I need.
> [...]
> > This said: "destination" in my unprecise manner means "incoming, internal,
> > or outgoing".
> > 
> > > Regarding the 'by destination', it could mean: a recipient domain,
> > > or a forwarder IP address from a perspective of amavisd, or
> > 
> > Now that you mention it. If we, acting as gateway, reject viruses from
> > internal MXes knowing their IP and counting the number of rejected messages
> > would certainly be nice to have. But then again. Deeper inspection can be
> > done using a log analyzer. Our primary question is: Do we need to take
> > care?
> Ok, I understand now what you meant by 'destination'.
> Would it be alright if I add the following counters
> (the first one in each group is already there):


Yes, this looks like the bells that should ring.

Thank you very much!


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