I have had some experience using these new config parameters. Let me try to 
answer these as best I can:


I'd like to use the new sa_userconf_maps feature in Amavis 2.7.0 (Ubuntu
x64), but unfortunately I'm not able to figure out the correct
configuration from what I can find online.

My setting is as follows:

I have a MYSQL database called 'spamassassin_db' on my server with a
single table 'userpref' in it, containing white- and blacklist entries.
These are filled by some other application, so I don't want to change
anything here (e.g., to amavis SQL rules which seem to be even less well
documented) if possible.

I have configured the SQL database in my /etc/spamassassin/local.cf as

user_scores_dsn                 DBI:mysql:spamassassin_db:localhost
user_scores_sql_username        (...)
user_scores_sql_password        (...)
user_scores_sql_custom_query    SELECT preference, value FROM userpref
WHERE username = _USERNAME_ OR username = '$GLOBAL' OR username =

What I would like amavisd to do is to have spamassassin respect the
whitelist_auth/blacklist_from rules in this database table globally,
i.e. regardless of the recipient's email address.
However, I don't seem to know the appropriate commands, and where to put

If I just put

@sa_userconf_maps = (
         '.*' => 'sql:',

Ø    This is how it is configured on my end as well.


...how does amavis know which SQL database is referred to? Or that it
should use "local.cf"? 


Ø  SpamAssassin knows which SQL database to use based on what is configured in 
your site’s /etc/spamassassin/local.cf file  (user_scores_dsn, user_awl_dsn, 
bayes_sql_dsn) as long as those are configured – they will be referenced in the 
Amavis lookup routine. As for which table – as long as you imported the 
“standard” SpamAssassin SQL schema, the lookups will work properly.


I have also tried something like

@sa_userconf_maps = (

Ø    Not valid – please use the parameter you specified above which is known 
good on my machine as well.


It's not surprising to me that I haven't got it to work so far, given
that I simply can't find any clear instructions anywhere on the Web.

Ø    I hear ya, thanks to people on this list I was able to figure it out – but 
it did take some time due to the lack of published examples. 

Any help would be very much appreciated! :)

Ø    One more configuration option you may need, is the @sa_username_maps 
parameter. When SpamAssassin stores config options, Bayesian tokens, and 
white/black list records – it does so with the ‘username’ field. If you do not 
specify a username – SpamAssassin will store all config options under the 
_same_ user that invokes amavisd. So if you want each user to be able to store 
individual preferences, awl/blacklist, and bayes – you will need to define the 
@sa_username_maps. Using the following regular expression – you will 
effectively map the RECIPIENT address (of the incoming email to be 
scanned/parsed) as the SA ‘username’. Any awl/autolearn/Bayesian/config options 
that are either retrieved from the database, or written to it – will do so by 
the recipient address of the email.


(originally provided by Renato Botelho on 09/2/2011 in amavis-users)


@sa_username_maps = new_RE (

  [ qr'^([^@]+@.*)'i => '${1}' ]



Again, only use the above regular expression if you want the SA username field 
in the database to be the ‘u...@domain.com’ in the RCPT of the email message 
(which should be your mail user, anyways). This would be useful in a mail 
server that houses more than one domain.



I hope that helps.


Matt Goodman

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