> Checking back I found that we haven't heard from Marc in 6 months now.
> He's still active in the SpamAssassin channel.
> Yep he's MIA?  Is he done playing with Amavis, or what's the score?

Hello everybody, me again, still kicking!

I must appologize to everybody on this list for my absence.
It wasn't intentional or planned, but is a result of a chain of
little tasks I had to do - both at my job (new network and services
deployments, upgrades, yearly plans and reports), and tasks
regarding underlying projects related to Amavis (like working on
Perl modules Mail::DKIM, Net::DNS, and testing the 5.17 versions
of Perl, setting up virtual boxes for testing and benchmarking).

Every time I was thinking: just need to report this bug to some
underlying module before they release a new version, or: just need
to fix and close this handful of SpamAssassin problem reports
in order to get the release 3.4.0 out, then I'll get back to Amavis.
Noticing the number of postings on the Amavis mailing list that
would need attention was not helpful for the morale either  :)

During these last months my work on amavisd has not stalled,
just slowed down a bit. A bunch of improvements went into code,
like several small new features, performance optimizations,
improving support for IPv6 (like rewriting p0f-analyzer to
work with p0f v3), ...  As some of these optimizations rely on
new features of underlying modules (Mail::DKIM, SpamAssassin),
and some were broken by changes in underlying modules (Net::DNS),
it somehow felt like a priority to get these out of the way first.

Anyway, I'm coming back to the mailing list now, promise!


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