
> We had a complaint from a user that an email with a .docx file was
> rejected. We have an amavisd policy where .exe binaries are rejected.
> Upon further inspection, the docx file contained a number of
> individual files, one of which was a dat file which appears to be some
> kind of binary:
> $ file \[trash\]/0001.dat
> [trash]/0001.dat: DOS executable (block device driver)

It looks like perhaps 'file' is incorrectly identifying this file?

If I added the following to the $banned_filename_re, would it skip the
[trash]/0001.dat file?

$banned_filename_re = new_RE(

[ qr'^\[trash\]/0001\.dat$'       => 0 ],


How can I then test it with the either the email or docx file that
triggers this to see if it still happens (without having to mail the

I should mentioned before that this is on an fc18 system with
amavisd-2.6.6. I've also seen debian bug reports submitted for this
issue back in July. I was unable to find an amavisd bug report,


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