On 04/02/15 13:54, Olivier CALVANO wrote:
thanks for your answer.
I see the config Sql, but not very happy to install a sql serveur ;=)
Do you have a sample of $policy_bank for help me ?
Unfortunatelly no, but you can make the same thing without SQL using
"mapping" features of amavisd. SQL would give you quite same options and
easier maintenance of them.
But you can accomplish the same by specifying different levels in
amavisd.conf like:
@spam_tag2_level_maps = (
{ 'domain1.com' => 5 , 'domain2.com' => 6 }, \$sa_tag2_level_deflt );
@spam_subject_tag2_maps = ( { 'domain1.com' => "SPAM", 'domain2.com' =>
"** SPAM **" }, \$spam_subject_tag2 );
You can change variables for tag/tag2/tag3/kill...
cheers, J.