I am running two different mail gateway servers. One is on CentOS 6.6, amavisd-new 2.9.1-2, postfix 2.6.6-6 and spamassassin 3.3.1-3 and the other is on CentOS 7.1, amavisd-new 2.9.1-5, postfix 2.10.1-6 and spamassassin 3.4.1-2. Both setups seem to work as I want except for one painful detail. Namely the CentOS 6.6 setup provides spam headers:


but the CentOS 7.1 setup provides headers


I have setup my email system such that there is a two pass scan. The internet checks are done at the mail gateways. I need the X-Amavisd-Status header to be present on the second pass. The final spamassassin check on the Dovecot server uses the score in X-Amavisd-Status header and then tacks on any user blacklist or whitelist scores and uses that as the final spam score. This system has worked wonderfully under CentOS 6.6 but fails miserably under CentOS 7.1.

Unfortunately with the CentOS 7.1 setup the X-Spam-Status header is not parsed properly on the second pass spamassassin check. I want to have the X-Amavisd-Status header back. It is very useful to see what was found on the gateway in its own header as well as have the final spamassassin X-Spam-Status with the final score. I spent all day Sunday and a good part of today looking at how I can control the headers from amavisd-new but have found nothing useful. Even stranger is the perl did not seem different between amavisd code so I don't understand why I am getting the X-Spam-Status on CentOS 7.1 and the X-Amavisd-Status on CentOS 6.6.

Can somebody please help me get the X-Amavisd-Status header back? The must be documentation somewhere on how to fix this issue.

Thank you.

Paul (ga...@nurdog.com)

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