what is the parameter "NoNewPrivileges" in amavis startup?
We use sendmail instead of postfix and the problem was the same.

We changed a startup parameter in /usr/lib/systemd/system/amavisd.service :

NoNewPrivileges=true  (original)



Best regards
Daniela Bortolotti

On 07/07/2015 10:21 AM, Francois Martin wrote:

I just installed Kolab 3.4 on a VM OpenVZ (CentOS 7.1.1503).
Everything works fine apart from the amavisd service.
It can not start.
Result, emails are blocked in the postfix queue.
If I disable the use of amavis-new in postfix, emails can circulate.

The error code when running the service:
code = exited, status = 227 / NO_NEW_PRIVILEGES

Thank you for your help! :-)
Best Regards

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