On 26.04.2016 17:46, Mark Martinec wrote:
> The "text/plain,.exe" means the declared MIME part was text/plain,
> but the file(1) utility decided that it is some kind of executable.
> Your sample (decoded and given to a file(1) utility) here reports:
>   Python script, Non-ISO extended-ASCII text executable
> and an entry in the @$map_full_type_to_short_type_re list
> matches /\bexecutable\b/i, returning the '.exe':
>     [qr/\bexecutable\b/i => 'exe'],
> Perhaps an entry like the following should be added to the
> default @$map_full_type_to_short_type_re list:
>    [qr/Python script, .*text executable\b/ => 'txt'],
> or the existing one relaxed:
> <    [qr/\bscript text executable\b/        => 'txt'],
>>    [qr/\bscript\b.*text executable\b/     => 'txt'],
> Will do this for the 2.11 release, thanks for the report
> and the sample.

In the meantime I have added to my local config the lines:

  unshift @map_full_type_to_short_type_maps, \new_RE(
    [qr/\bscript\b.*text executable\b/i => 'txt'],

Seems to work fine so far.

Thanks again,

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