I'm sorry for my poor english...

are you for usage of '^' ? because the string not start with sender address, you can try withou it.

Can you post to us a source code of spam mail?


Dear list,

I get mails from below FROM address.


username is always airecom612+97d7d60a91d9695c9a4240f92d5c3cae .
domain name will be different.

I put below file to quarantine it. But , It does NOT work. We still get it.

my  /etc/mail/spamassassin/SPAM_11Oct2016_From_1.cf file is given below.

header SPAM11OctF1 From =~ /^(airecom612\+97d7d60a91d9695c9a4240f92d5c3cae)@/i
describe SPAM11OctF1 From address contains the word airecom612@
score SPAM11OctF1 10.0

I went to https://regex101.com

the above line  (i.e -
/^(airecom612\+97d7d60a91d9695c9a4240f92d5c3cae)@/i  ) matches.

Then, Why I still get these? any idea?

hope to hear from you.


Via del Tiglio 45 56012 Calcinaia (PI)
Tel +39058759108
cell 340 8398772
E-mail: mauri...@etarom.com <mailto:mauri...@etarom.com>
Assistenza: assiste...@etarom.com <mailto:assiste...@etarom.com>
P.E.C. eta...@pec.etarom.com <mailto:eta...@pec.etarom.com>

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