Hi Rich,

Changing $sa_tag_level_deflt to undef would mean that the headers would be even added to whitelisted items (as they can sometimes not, if you just set it to a really low number). This may be why.

On 03/29/2017 06:31 AM, Rich Wales wrote:

/# tagging levels $sa_tag_level_deflt = undef; # add spam info headers if at or above that level # 'undef' means headers will always be added/

I already have *$sa_tag_level_deflt* set to -10000 in the *50-user* file. I can try changing it to *undef*, but would that really make any difference?

And the *X-Spam-...* header lines show up in all other cases -- i.e., when a message is delivered normally, or when I view something while it's in quarantine. The only place where the *X-Spam-...* header lines do not appear is if I release something from quarantine to be delivered normally -- the *X-Spam-...* lines are there in the quarantine copy, but they are being stripped out in the course of being delivered to the recipient's inbox.

Just in case it might matter, btw, I'm using Postfix 3.1.0 and Dovecot 2.2.22.
*Rich Wales*

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