On 7 Jun 2017 12:12, "Scappatura Rocco" <rocco.scappat...@infracom.it>
> Hello Dino.
> > First of all, for spam the following directive applies:
> >
> > $final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD;
> >
> > Not
> >
> > $final_banned_destiny     = D_DISCARD;
> >
> > $final_banned_destiny is for banned files not spam.
> You are quite right. I have mistyped 'final_banned_destiny' instead of
> > In order to accomplish what you want, you should probably set up
> >
> > $final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD;
> >
> > That would probably take care of all the rest of the users and then for
> > the example.com domain, create a policy for that has a really high
> > spam_kill_level and assign the users you want to it. So,
> > spam_kill_level of 999 would probably work.
> >
> > You are going to have to use a database to accomplish all this.
> It is possible to use a map so to assign the value 999 to
$sa_kill_level_deflt (and $sa_dsn_cutoff_level) on 'per domain' basis?
> P.S.: in order to tag spam messages for *@example.com, should I also list
'example.com' in the array @local_domains_acl?

You need a policy bank.  I don't use one, but there should be well
documented instructions on the web and in the mailing list archives.


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