On 05/04/2022 08:57, Nikolaos Milas wrote:

We have amavisd-new v2.12.1 in service with ClamAV v0.103.4 (on Rocky
Linux 8.5) together with additional unofficial signatures from
eXtremeSHOK (ref.: https://github.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs)

Yet, we are recently receiving a lot of mails with virus-infected
attachments (usually in 7z files) which are scanned by amavis/clamav but
are NOT getting detected.

Obviously, our current setup does not provide sufficient protection.

Based on your experiences with similar setups, can you please suggest
additional ways to provide high (or at least better) AV protection?
I found that amavis unpacking of 7z archives did not work, I removed that line from @decoders and now rely on clamav which can do this itself.

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