I've recently discovered that the latest version of Eclipse is using 
Objects.hash() by default when you ask to auto-generate the hashCode,
obviously this is plainly wrong because the current implementation does a lot 
object allocations, but at the same time, the code is more readable.
So +200 on this JEP !

Well, it's right, but it may have a surprising(ly bad) cost model. The goal here is to let people write the right code, with the right (awesomely good!) cost model.  (And same for toString using String.format()).  These two methods were picked as first targets because (a) there is a significant win to be had for both, and (b) every class should use them.

Now, the issues i see.
if you translate the bytecode, you are loosing the call to String.format() so 
if there is a NPE because one of the parameter is null, String.format() will 
disappear from the stacktrace of this NPE.

Yes, correct.  The stack trace will point back at the line calling `format()`.

Also, from the point of view of the bytecode analyzers that do an abstract 
execution of the bytecode (Jacoco, Findbugs, Proguard, any IDEs, etc) each of 
them will have to have a mechanism to go from the invokedynamic call to the 
original call so it an be interpreted. It's seem to be a waste of resources to 
not a standard way to get the original call at bytecode level.
This is a general issue with any sort of indy code generation from javac; bytecode interpreters may want to learn the meanings of standard bootstraps, considering them to be "new bytecodes".  The same will be true when we start generating indy for switch translation, or switching to condy for lambda translation, or starting doing more aggressive constant folding.

Note that while we're waiting for full constant folding, intrinsics can do limited constant folding too, such as


Limiting these intrinsics to the JDK methods has a big drawbacks, it makes the 
performance model less easier to understand.
By example, String.valueOf() will be fast but the method debug(String format, 
Object...) of a LOG4J Logger will be slower (even if it changes its 
implementation to use String.format internally because the format parameter 
will not be constant inside the implementation).

This is really two separate issues.  The real concern you're raising here is that by intrinsifying some methods, sometimes, but not others, and not at other times, the cost model becomes less transparent.  This is true, but this is also a fact of life with dynamic compilation, JVM intrinsics, etc.  Glass p% empty / q% full.

I understand that you do not want to open the pandora box of offering a macro 
system to everybody, but i hope there is a knd of middle ground, here, perhaps 
by enabling any methods to use the instrinsics annotation but to limit the 
bootstrap methods that can be used to the ones defined in the JDK.

Yes, we may eventually consider loosening up along some axes, once we have a better understanding of the risks, costs, and benefits. For now, restricting it to the JDK is a no-brainer, while we gather data on efficacy and use cases.  There are many other potential targets in the JDK too.

Intrinsification might not result in an indy; it might result in an LDC (condy or not), or it might result in a shuffling of the parameters and a redirection to another method (yes, both can be simulated by indy, but at a cost.)  So "restricting bootstraps" is not an effective axis of restriction, but we can continue to look for axes along which this might be reasonably expanded.

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