De: "Gavin Bierman" <> 
À: "amber-spec-experts" <> 
Envoyé: Jeudi 19 Septembre 2019 11:28:42 
Objet: Draft JLS spec for JEP 305: Pattern matching for instanceof 

A draft language spec for JEP 305 (Pattern Matching for instanceof) is 
available at: 


Comments are welcomed on all aspects, but I draw your attention to a couple of 
things that we’d like your feedback on: 

1. The instanceof operator restricts the type to be a reifiable reference type. 
The spec currently keeps that restriction for type test patterns too. But 
should we go further, i.e. will people expect to be able to say the following 
(given that this *declares* a pattern variable l)? 


if (o instanceof List<Integer> l) { 



If we allow such case, the compiler will have to emit an unchecked warning 
because this code is not safe. 

So in a sense, you are asking if we want to support a construct we know is 
I think i prefer to see code with an explicitly cast instead 
if (o instanceof List<?> l) { 
var l2 = (List<Integer>) l; 

Obviously, we may revisit that either if people ask for it or when semi-reified 
generics will be introduce by Valhalla. 


2. We’d like to keep the possibility open for merging of multiple pattern 
declarations, where it makes sense. For example: 


if (a instanceof Foo f || b instanceof Foo f) { 
… // Like to be able to use f here 


The current spec explicitly calls out cases like these as compile-time errors, 
to allow for forwards compatibility if we add this feature. But what do you 
think of this feature? (We have textually multiple declarations of a pattern 
variable, but they are “merged”, so they are really the same thing…) 


I'm not a fan of merging variable declarations, it's too clever and force 
people to read the code too carefully to be a good feature. 


3. [Only for spec nerds] I am proposing to add a new Chapter 16 to discuss 
patterns (at the moment it’s short, but we’re planning for it to grow). The 
existing Chapters 16-19 will be renumbered to 17-20. Will this renumbering 
cause problems for anyone? 




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