You nail the guard to a pattern, which is equivalent until we have nested patterns (and "or"/"and" patterns).

We have nested patterns already in the JEPs on the table.  Where's the problem?

I see a lot of advantages of using && to link a guard to a pattern,
- the symbol is heavy so there is a clear visual separation
- without any supplementary parenthesis, && after the type pattern in an instanceofis the && between expression, it's almost like you can not have a guard with an instanceof, in practice, few instanceof will have a guard.

I agree few instanceof will have a guard, but users are still free to express it that way if they like, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I still think that using a guard inside a nested pattern is ugly but it can be just that, ugly. Someone may want a short-circuit in a deeply nested patterns .

Yes.  This is not unlike other compositions; for any compositional tool, you can overuse it.  (You can arbitrarily compose boolean expressions (or arbitrarily chain method invocations), but sometimes this is taking it too far.)

As i said to Gavin, i'm not at ease with using the symbol '&' in between patterns.

I think that this is mostly a "who moved my cheese" reaction; you're used to thinking that & is just for bitwise operations.  But, that's not actually true; we already use & and | on types -- intersection type casts, additional generic type bounds, multi-catch.  This appeals to a notion that & and | are boolean-like combinators on types (even if not exposed in all places they might make sense), but this is a different kind of combination than on integers.  And yet a different kind of combination on patterns.  (In an alternate universe, we might have different symbols for adding ints vs floats vs string concatenation, but + works well enough that overloading the symbols is OK -- because using + in this way appeals to the underlying algebraic monoid structure these types share.)

The reason that & and | make sense on patterns, and on types, is that, like the more familiar versions on bits, they describe a _boolean algebra_.  Boolean algebras have familiar properties such as De Morgan's Laws.  These work for types (when interpreted as value sets) as well as bits, and they work for patterns too.

I think where you're getting hung up is that when patterns produce bindings, and other patterns consume those bindings, we have a dataflow dependence which would appear to undermine certain other expected properties of a boolean algebra, such as commutativity. But, if we view those dataflow dependencies as a separate constraint -- as we *already do* for ints (e.g., `(x=3)&(x|4)`, is invalid when `x` is an DU int, but valid when `x` is DA), this seeming contradiction vanishes, and is seen to be merely a post-hoc well-formedness constraint.  If the WF constraint is satisfied, the expected properties of boolean algebras (associativity, commutativity, absorption, etc) are satisfied too.

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