Brian explicitly ask me to not talk about invokedynamic so i will not say that 
there is already an existing protocol between invokedynamic and a user defined 
implementation, it's the bootstrap method, 

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: macro. 
Templated Strings as currently defined is indiscernible from a hygienic String 
based macro system [1]. 

Using javac as an API (like jshell does), it seems trivial to come with 
something like EVAL."\(a) + \(b)" being able to evaluate at runtime any Java 

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. 



> From: "Jim Laskey" <>
> To: "amber-spec-experts" <>
> Sent: Jeudi 16 Septembre 2021 15:28:41
> Subject: String Tapas Redux: Beyond mere string interpolation

> Amber experts,

> Now that JDK 17 has been plated and left the kitchen, we should have a 
> look-see
> at one of the new menu items Brian and I have had on a slow boil for these 
> last
> few months; Templated Strings.

> Before you start shouting out, "Templated Strings? This isn't what I ordered!
> The subject said string interpolation!!!", take the time to follow this link [
> |
> ] . After reading, we hope you'll see that the offering is much better than
> interpolation meat and potatoes.

> Cheers,

> -- Jim

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